Statistics on cannabis consumption in Spain

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Statistics on cannabis consumption in Spain

It's slow progress, but cannabis regulation seems to be getting closer every day. In Spain, pressure increases, sustained by the approximately four million people (10% of the population between 15 and 64 years old) who declare year after year that they consume cannabis. 7.6% smoke it every month, according to data from the Ministry of Health.
The map of national consumption shows peaks of smokers in the Mediterranean arc: the Balearic Islands (10.8%), the Valencian Community (10.9%) and Catalonia (8.7%) are, together to Madrid (8.4%) and La Rioja (8.9%), the Communities where joints are smoked the most.
The statistic also breaks some preconceived ideas, such as that geographical proximity makes use more common and leads to a high rate of cannabis buyers and consumers.
Thus, they are below the national average: Andalusia (7%), Ceuta (6.4%) and Melilla (3%, the lowest percentage in all of Spain), which are the closest to Morocco, which is where, a priori, most of the hashish consumed in Spain comes from.

Curiously, Melilla, with only 3%, is the city/community that has the lowest percentage of cannabis consumption in all of Spain.

However, among the youngest people aged 14 to 18, the Basque Country is the community that leads the ranking with 22.8%, along with Aragon, which follows with 21.7%.
Finally, statistics indicate that smoking cannabis is more a thing for men than women and for young people rather than older people, all differences that become more pronounced with age. Thus, for every young female consumer between 15 and 24 years old there are two men, a proportion that increases until the last age group, when the number of men who smoke is eight times the number of women.
So girls, let's see if you get your act together. šŸ˜Š
Estadƭstica del consumo de cannabis en EspaƱa
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