Great success of recreational cannabis

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Great success of recreational cannabis. The Züri Can pilot program turns one year old

The Züri Can pilot program turns one year old

The Züri Can pilot project, which allows legal access to recreational cannabis in the city of Zurich, in its first year of operation, shows very positive results since 88% of all its participants say they are satisfied with the quality of the cannabis and the advice received.
It has been a year since the city of Zurich launched its pilot program on cannabis: Züri Can “Cannabis with responsibility”; project based in many of its aspects on the model of the Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) of Catalonia.
Züri Can allows adults to legally obtain cannabis at authorized points of sale, such as pharmacies, social clubs (CSC) and the Health Center. Zurich Drug Information.
The project, which will last until October 2026, currently has about 2,100 participants. According to the report, more than half of the participants use cannabis at least four times a week and the majority report being in good health.

According to the press release issued jointly by the City of Zurich, the University of Zurich and the University Psychiatric Hospital of Zurich, “the first results show a high degree of satisfaction with the product and the prevention offer at distribution points”

Distribution points offer advice and guidance, promoting safer consumption methods. The vast majority of participants say they are satisfied with the services offered at these distribution points, since 90% rate the staff who serve them as competent.
In these first 12 months of the program, about 36,000 sales were made at distribution points, which is equivalent to about 300 kg. of cannabis products sold. Up to 88% of all participants stated that they were satisfied with the quality of the products offered. However, some participants expressed a desire for more variety and options. To meet this demand. Consequently, in this second year four new varieties of flowers will be introduced, bringing the total number of cannabis products available from 9 to 13.

A Swiss project that is inspired by the Catalan CSC model

Barcelona is the cradle and epicenter of the non-profit cannabis social club (CSC) model in Europe. This pioneering approach to cannabis consumption and self-regulation has inspired other countries to follow suit.
CSCs, like MARISANA, are non-profit organizations that offer adults a safe space for the consumption and cultivation of cannabis. The clubs focus on promoting wellness through health, social and legal tools, and offer an alternative to the unregulated cannabis market.
Catalonia, and Spain as a whole, currently lack specific regulations that comprehensively regulate CSCs, which gives rise to a legal gray area. However, international interest in the Catalan CSC model is increasing. Countries such as Switzerland, Malta and Germany are taking steps to establish community-focused access points within a new cannabis regulatory framework that is in full development, as is the case at hand. that of the city of Zurich.
Thus, the Züri Can model was born in August 2023, after the visit to our city of Swiss public health professionals who carefully explored and studied the social club model of cannabis in Barcelona, ​​to exchange information on risk reduction strategies, cannabis consumption patterns and the potential of CSCs to drive positive change.
The meeting between the Swiss and Catalan representatives revealed several points of view. Swiss officials raised the challenges of getting people to participate in the pilot program, as trust and data privacy were a major concern for cannabis users when participating in government-regulated programs. Data privacy is essential, as potential participants may understandably be concerned about the collection of their personal data and the possible impact of future government changes to the program, or the criminalization of such practices.
This visit by Swiss health professionals to the cannabis social clubs of Barcelona represented an important step in promoting collaboration and shared learning. This exchange underscored the importance of taking a global approach and fostering international cooperation to address the challenges we as cannabis social clubs face today.

Comparison between the CSCs of Barcelona and Zurich

However, the cannabis social club model in Barcelona and Zurich presents some similarities and other key differences.
RegulationUnregulated, self-organized, no government approval.Pilot program approved and regulated by the Swiss local government.
ParticipantsNot open to the general public. You must be invited by a current CSC member to become a CSC member. The number of members is set by each Club.A maximum of 2,100 pre-approved participants who meet specific criteria are allowed. It is not open to the general public, you must speak German and be a Swiss citizen.
Places of acquisitionPurchases are made at the CSCs where you are a member. Sales are only made within the club facilities.10 designated pharmacies, 10 CSCs and a drug information center.
ConsumptionWithin the club facilities or at home.At designated social clubs or at home.
Data collectionIt is not done at a global or public level, but each CSC has the data of each of its associates in a private and closed manner.Regular online surveys are sent to participants to study the impact of regulated cannabis sales.
Authorized growersNot specified. Each club has grower members who provide cannabis to other club members.Only program-approved growers and product manufacturers from Swiss companies are allowed.
Cannabis productsIt depends on the club. There is a wide variety of cannabis products with different cannabinoid profiles. Laboratory tests are not the norm. At MARISANA our cannabis is laboratory certified.Only 13 cannabis products with different profiles are currently offered. All products must be analyzed in the laboratory and approved by the Züri Can program.
In conclusion, as can be seen from the Züri Can project, as well as the Grashaus Project (yet another Swiss pilot study on the controlled dispensation of cannabis for adults, in the canton of Basel-Landschaft), legalizing recreational cannabis generates many advantages and healthier consumption.