WELLCOME TO Cannabis Association Barcelona IN MARISANA YOU WILL FIND Relaxed and comfortable environment Billiard and table football Snacks and refreshments Cinema, football, conferences ... THE MEMBERS OF OUR ASSOCIATION MEET SEVERAL ADVANTAGES Large variety of cannabis Resins and concentrates Therapeutic products

is a non-profit association whose main objective is the reduction of socio-sanitary risks related to black market, through the production of a large variety of high quality cannabis products free of contaminants, and exclusive distribution among associated people of our club only.
Without making any advocacy of consumption and scrupulously respecting the current legality, our Association joins the social debate on regularization of consumption, cultivation and distribution of cannabis, in accordance with the policy of risk reduction and promotion of responsible consumption.

Latest Publications of Our Blog

Our Daily Specials What do we have today?
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At MARISANA we encourage responsible consumption among all our associates, without abuse or adverse consequences, because it is not only possible, but it is completely stimulating To satisfy all the needs of our associates, both recreational and therapeutic, we try … Read More

Brief dictionary of keywords
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“Cannabis”, “hemp” and “marijuana” are the same. What are THC and CBD? In this small dictionary we will describe different sector-specific terms that you may be familiar with. In this small sample, we gloss here the most common ones and … Read More

Cannabis a plant with many possibilities
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The cannabis plant, also called the “vegetable pork”, because everything is used, has two large families: industrial hemp, with very wide possibilities of use, and marijuana, for medical or recreational use. The current and future use of cannabis is very … Read More