Our Daily Specials What do we have today?

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daily specials

At MARISANA we encourage responsible consumption among all our associates, without abuse or adverse consequences, because it is not only possible, but it is completely stimulating
To satisfy all the needs of our associates, both recreational and therapeutic, we try to offer various varieties focused on the most appropriate profile for each person.

Cannabis THC

Recreational cannabis normally contains a higher percentage of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) than therapeutic or medicinal cannabis, which gives it immediate psychoactive effects such as: euphoria, a feeling of well-being, a greater appreciation of sensations and increased creativity.

Check before coming, in our DAILY SPECIALS section of the website, our daily offer. This way you will save time and you will know what "you want to taste".

THC is found in large proportions in the flowers of some varieties of Cannabis, especially in Sativa varieties, which means that people usually consume it to have a good time (alone or in company) and experience music more intensely, cinema or any other artistic manifestation.

Cannabis CBD

Cannabis with high levels of CBD and low levels of THC arouses the interest of a public that seeks in the plant a more medicinal and therapeutic component than recreational or recreational.
CBD is indicated to treat diseases such as insomnia, anorexia, muscle pain or depression. Also, it should be noted that it represents an important medicinal complement in treatment therapies against cancer, diabetes or epilepsy, among others.
At MARISANA, in our continuous desire to improve the services we provide to our associates, we also offer marijuana with very high levels of CBD and low levels of THC.
In the DAILY SPECIALS section of our website, we publish daily the offer of the various varieties available to our associates, so we recommend that you consult it before coming to visit us.
Good appetite everyone! 😊